Recertification – Industrial Safe Snowmobile Operator (R-ISSOT) CSC
At BackCountry Safety we provide informative and engaging training targeted to your specific needs. Aiming to reduce your workplace or recreational risk situations, thereby increasing graduates safety and confidence.
During the Snowmobile training, participants will learn the fundamentals of travelling in back country terrain, while honing snowmobile skills, and is designed specifically for snowmobiles and snowbikes. This Snowmobile/Snowbike 1 day course consists of hands-on instruction and practice in the field, and is suitable for students with previous ISSO certification. Participants will learn safe Snowmobile/Snowbike operating practices, basic maintenance, and terrain assessment techniques. At BackCountry Safety we provide training targeted to your workplace or personal needs.
Over the last 10 years we have trained many happy employees, and recreational riders, with rave reviews.
The Industrial Safe Snowmobile Operator recertification will provide hands on training, concentrating on safety awareness and risk reduction.
- Safe operation of a snowmobile (how to safely get the most out of the machine, with the minimum amount of risk and effort)
- Safety gear and more
- Terrain assessment
- Trail repairs, safe towing
- Basic snowmobile mechanical operation and maintenance
- Safe loading practices
This Health and Safety training course is a requirement to comply with Worksafe BC part 16 Competency of Operator/Mobile equipment 16.4.
The Safe Snowmobile Operator Certification course will consist of one day in the field.
Day 1:
- Snowmobile Familiarization approx. 9 am to 4:30 pm
- Training package handouts/paperwork
- Recommended snowmobile/avalanche gear
- Local snowmobile laws and regulations (BC)
- Preventing the most common injures
- Trail signals and safe trail techniques
- Familiarization with snowmobile, controls and safety equipment
- Pre ride inspection
- Basic maintenance of both 2 and 4 cycle engines
- Trouble shooting and repairs (includes belt, spark plug change and fluid levels)
- Introduction to safe riding practices, riding positions and techniques
- Range signals and rules
- Basic terrain assessment (Recognizing dangers and avoiding them)
- Start, warm-up, and stopping snowmobile, including emergency shutdown
- Starting out moving forward and backward
- Braking and emergency braking
- Turns and figure eights
- Obstacles
- U turns
- Riding up, over and down hills
- Safe loading and unloading practices
- Safe transport and securing of snowmobiles
- Debrief with students
Students must provide proof of prior ISSO certification.
BackCountry Safety Operator Certification Inc. can provide the snowmobiles and helmets/avalanche gear (rental fees will apply); all other equipment required will be supplied or rented by the students or employers. All participants will be required to sign a waiver of liability before snowmobiling. Snowmobiling involves certain inherent risks and dangers that are outlined in our Release of Liability Waiver and Assumption of Risks agreement.
There are increased safety concerns and dangers associated with the new burgeoning sport of snowbiking.